Architecture, Flower, Gallery, Landscape, Street, Urban
A short walk with our cameras in the evening from old Aspern to Seestadt and new metro station.
Eigentlich hätte es uns im Herbst 2020 nach Nordengland in den Lake District verschlagen sollen. Die Ereignisse des Jahres meinten es nicht gut mit unseren Plänen. Aber auch in der Südsteiermark und im Südburgenland gibt es viele hübsche Flecken und Gelegenheiten für Fotos.
Why post-processing? First of all: Yes, I do post-processing and I love it. Every digital camera already is processing the pictures you take. I even would state that also in analogue photography some (post-)processing always is done, it’s rather more difficult to control, especially when not doing developing the film on your own. In the digital world, with post-processing I can influence this process and achieve the result I want to see or at least like I have have felt as I took the shot. I do not have theSEE DETAILS